the unlock the box campaign presents

State[s] of Solitary

an ARTivism event
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About the event

States of Solitary 2024

States of Solitary is presented by the Unlock the Box Campaign, the national campaign to end solitary confinement in the United States, in partnership with Human Rights Watch and Zealous.

This artivism (art + activism) event used artistic expression to unite 150 justice-impacted people from many walks of life including survivors of solitary confinement, professional service providers in the mental wellness, public health, and criminal justice sectors, as well as funders and advocates dedicated to increasing public safety and ending state violence.

SOS explored the different “states” of solitary confinement, focusing on both its current impact and envisioning a future without it- -through collaborative, creative expression. The event also celebrated the 23 state campaigns of the Unlock the Box campaign, showcasing these grassroots activists who are pushing legislation, changing narratives, and driving the movement forward.

We highlighted the ongoing humanitarian crisis and to envision a future without solitary confinement, which psychology and medical experts, the United Nations, and other human rights organizations define as torture.


This Voices Unbarred workshop centers the voices of people impacted by incarceration, using theater of the oppressed technique to creatively reimagine the prison system and advocate for change. This Interactive community conversation demonstrates the  power of theatre and real stories to design policy and advocate for our communities. 

Facilitated by Leaders of Tomorrow Youth Center , this restorative justice workshop allows all participants to be visionaries.  Our facilitator will lead participants in an interactive workshop that uses  guided visualization and group brainstorming to collectively imagine a future without solitary and what a world without prisons would  look like (eg transforming a prison into a community center) Working together, we will create a single collaborative work representing our shared vision for a more just and humane future.

Facilitated by Free Minds Book Club and sponsored by Haymarket Books, participants of this workshop will have a chance to read letters/poetry and art works from people currently incarcerated.  With guidance from facilitators, participants will personally respond to these letters, giving uplifting messages to those inside and separated from loved ones. 

Facilitated by Zealous, this workshop focuses on how to ethically and intentionally engage with people currently incarcerated or directly impacted by the criminal legal system.  Based on it’s interactive website guide and over 1000 hours of interviews, this workshop will help advocate, especially those who are not directly impacted by the carceral system, understand the importance of leading with humanity, the ins and outs of building trust, what is means to be  trauma-informed, and how to center that process, not outcome, to ensure a space for mutual learning


We all have a stake in the future of our country and through art, we can create and share our vision for it.  Once you step in the doors of SOS you become a visionary, working collectively to develop actionable steps to end solitary confinement in the United States. As an artivism event, our programming fosters connection through art, music, theater, and writing- -providing advocacy opportunities through creative expression.

People are redeemable, Torture is not


Honoring Nelson Mandela

July 18 was Nelson’s Mandela’s birthday.  Mandela spent most of his life fighting for justice from inside prison walls.  He spent 18 years in solitary confinement and famously called it “the most forbidding part of prison life”.  Today, we honor him with States of Solitary, gathering with justice-impacted people to collectively dream and share our visions of a more just and humane future- -one without  the torture of solitary confinement. 


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An artivism event that envisions a world without torture.

Event Location

Eaton Hotel, Washington DC

Event Date

July 18, 2024

Event Time

10.00am - 4.00pm EST


An artivism event that envisions a world without torture.

Event Location

Eaton Hotel, Washington DC

Event Date

July 18, 2024

Event Time

10.00am - 4.00pm EST

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